If you already have all materials prepared and are ready to submit the application:


Applicants must have the following material ready before starting the application.

  1. A typed page listing and describing your participation in any of the following that apply:
    1. School sponsored musical organizations
    2. PADESTA or ASTA events
    3. PMEA or DMEA festivals (include dates/ranking)
    4. Musical activities outside of school
    5. Teacher name/years of private study on instrument(s) or voice
    6. Special honors in music (i.e. awards, scholarships, honors, etc.)
    7. Special honors in academics (i.e. awards, scholarships, honors, etc.)
  2. A one-page typed essay on: “How participation with orchestra and music in my school and community has enriched my life and influenced my decision to pursue music education as a career.”
  3. Promotional picture.
    * By submitting it, you give PADESTA permission to use it to promote this scholarship program.
  4. One copy of the senior year official first semester transcript and cumulative average (GPA)
  5. Letter of college acceptance listing declared major in music education (or a dual major including music education)
  6. Students must have a declared primary instrument of violin, viola, cello, string bass, guitar, or harp.
  7. Endorsements as follows:
    1. Give each Endorser copies of 1 (list of activities) and 2 (essay) above for reference.
    2. Required Endorsements:
      1. PADESTA Nominator
        *If the PADESTA nominator is the private instructor or school orchestra director, it is NOT necessary to have two separate letters of recommendation.
      2. High School Orchestra Director (if applicable)
      3. High School Administrator
      4. High School Guidance Counselor
    3. Applicants are also strongly encouraged (but not required) to submit the following recommendations, if applicable:
      1. Community and/or Youth Orchestra Director
      2. Private Music Teacher(s)
      3. Other High School Teacher (not in music)
  8. Fill out and submit the Endorser Information Form so that your Endorsers have ample time to submit their recommendation letter before the deadline.